Friday, April 20, 2007

Reclaim Earth Day and Rally for Kyoto! April 22nd at 1:00 in Toronto

What: Reclaim Earth Day Rally in Toronto!
Where: Metro Hall Square at King and John Streets
When: Sunday April 22nd at 1:00 pm

Greenpeace and many organizations to demand: Kyoto at a minimum and a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

EARTH DAY IS EVERYDAY but more specifically it is April 22nd! Join thousands of people across Canada in calling for meaningful action on climate change.
In Toronto, come to Metro Hall Square at King and John Streets at 1PM. Bring a bell or other noisemaker to send a wake-up call on climate change to Stephen Harper! Come to Metro Hall Square (King and John Streets) at 1pm to make as much noise as you can! Music supplied by the samba squad and Kensington horns, and anyone else who wants to join in the band. No more delays, no more denial. We need strong action, starting now. Bring a bell or other noisemaker to ring!
Followed by a Street Fair on John Street from 2pm featuring music, dancing, hands-on activities, free environmental film screenings at the National Film Board, and much more!

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