اين لينك خلاصه ي برنامه ي اقتصادي اين گروه است ... آنهم به فارسي. كلي خوشم آمد كه در وب سايتشان برنامه شان را به كلي زبانهاي مختلف و از جمله فارسي گذاشته اند!
حالا از اين حرفها كه بگذريم خواندن مشخصات اين خانم هم برايم جالب بود. مثلاً كار كردنش در بخش زنان مورد تعرض قرار گرفته ... اينكه در 10 سالگي توانسته يكي از اولين سه دختري باشد كه در بخش مكانيك ماشين كار كند ... اينكه در 12 سالگي در تيم فوتبال مردان بازي مي كند ... كارهايي كه براي زنان خانه دار كرده است ... بد نيست اينرا بخوانيد ... من كه مي روم كه به اين خانم راي بدهم!!
Sylvia Gerl
From her work as a mother and small business owner to that of a community activist, Sylvia Gerl has earned a reputation as someone who cares and gets things done.
Born in Hamilton, Sylvia currently works as a Women’s Advocate at a shelter for abused women and children and as a part-time residential counselor for dually-diagnosed handicapped adults.
Sylvia has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto and has studied at Julius-Maximilians Universitat in Germany.
Sylvia has fought for equal rights from an early age. In grade 10 she fought to be the first of 3 girls allowed into auto mechanics and in grade 12 won a spot on the men’s soccer team. She has tutored reading at East End Literacy in Toronto, organized a Mothers’ Day peace march, planned and executed a fundraiser for a battered women’s shelter and worked for several years to stop the pollution caused by the "resmelting" operation in Georgina. Sylvia was a co-owner of a small retail health food store for over 10 years.
A long-time member of the Council of Canadians and Greenpeace, Sylvia has also taught piano and german and volunteered in a pioneer museum, a community choir, and as a home visitor for the aged. She and her partner are raising 3 boys, and the state of our educational system is of huge concern to her.
She joined with the grassroots Midwifery Task Force in its successful bid for legalization of midwifery in Ontario.
Sylvia Gerl and the New Democrats have been clear and consistent in supporting publicpower - keeping vital services like education, health care, hydro and the protection of our air and water in public hands.