Dear Leila, I am one of your crazy fan, I love your web log and enjoy to read your idea, You know I live in Toronto too and sometimes I miss Iran and my family, but when I come and look to your web log, my homesickness becomes better. I found your profile in orkut, I am member of orkut too, You can reach me (if you would like) from your mana(your friend in orkut). My name is siamak delavari. I apologize for writing these things, but I really like your web log. Please write more and more, and know in this small world some people like to come and enjoy about your writing. With Regards.
ليلا جان سلام .. ممنون برای تبريکی که گفتی ... و اميدوارم تو هم روزهای خوب و شادی را در انتظار داشته باشی .. وبلاگت را در بلاگ رولینگ آپ ديت می بينم .. اما تاريخ آخرين نوشته ات جمعه 5 تير است .. درست می بينم يا خط من اشکال دارد ؟
و اين نشونه زنده بودن و پيشرفته
بهتر است آدم همیشه برای خودش نو بماند و از خودش تعجب کند تا اینکه تکرار مکرر شود ..
رییس ... تمپ وبلاگتون مبارک :)
khob hagg ham dari, agar nakoni jaye taajjob darad, an vaght man az tu taajjob mikonam ke chara az khodat taajjob nemikoni, kheli falsafi shod na?
khob hagg ham dari, agar nakoni jaye taajjob darad, an vaght man az tu taajjob mikonam ke chara az khodat taajjob nemikoni, kheli falsafi shod na?
salam aziz , webloge zibao por mohtavai dari , omidvaram ke hamishe ayoom movafagh bashi , shad zi
کلی مبارک باشد
سيستم کامنتتون آدم توش گير مي کنه؟؟؟
Dear Leila,
I am one of your crazy fan, I love your web log and enjoy to read your idea, You know I live in Toronto too and sometimes I miss Iran and my family, but when I come and look to your web log, my homesickness becomes better.
I found your profile in orkut, I am member of orkut too,
You can reach me (if you would like) from your mana(your friend in orkut). My name is siamak delavari.
I apologize for writing these things, but I really like your web log. Please write more and more, and know in this small world some people like to come and enjoy about your writing.
With Regards.
ليلا جان سلام .. ممنون برای تبريکی که گفتی ...
و اميدوارم تو هم روزهای خوب و شادی را در انتظار داشته باشی ..
وبلاگت را در بلاگ رولینگ آپ ديت می بينم .. اما تاريخ آخرين نوشته ات جمعه 5 تير است .. درست می بينم يا خط من اشکال دارد ؟
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