Tuesday, July 17, 2007

باید برنامه هایم را برای ۱۹ آگوست مرتب کنم.

George Bush is coming to Canada

Demonstrate in Ottawa on August 19 US
Stop the WAR! Stop the SPP!

George Bush will join Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Mexican president Felipe Caldéron for a summit of the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) in Montebello, Quebec this August. A mass demonstration will take place in Ottawa on Sunday, August 19. Other actions are planned for August 20 and 21.

The Toronto Coalition to Stop the War is organizing buses to and from Ottawa for the mass demonstration on August 19. Depending on demand, additional buses may be booked for actions from August 19 to 21.

To book a seat on the bus, please e-mail your name, phone number and e-mail address to: bushbus2007@gmail.com

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