درهم ميكوفتم
اگر ميان ما ديواري بود
بالا ميرفتم پايين ميآمدم
فرو ميريختم
اگر كوه بود دريا بود
پا ميگذاشتم
بر نقشهي جهان و
نقشهاي ديگر ميكشيدم
اما ميان ما هيچ نيست
و تنها با هيچ
هيچ كاري نميشود كرد
شهاب مقربین
If there were a door between us
I would knock it on
I would `knock it down
If there were a wall between us
I would climb it up, climb it down ...
I would crumble
If there were a mountain, a sea
I would step on the world map
And draw another one
But there is nothing between us
And only with nothing
Nothing could be done.
By: Shahab Mogharabin
Translated by :Leilaye Leili
1 comment:
And only with nothing
Nothing could be done.
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