Monday, October 24, 2011

اگر دري ميان ما بود
درهم مي‌كوفتم

اگر ميان ما ديواري بود
بالا مي‌رفتم پايين مي‌آمدم
فرو مي‌ريختم

اگر كوه بود دريا بود
پا مي‌گذاشتم
بر نقشه‌ي جهان و
نقشه‌اي ديگر مي‌كشيدم

اما ميان ما هيچ نيست

و تنها با هيچ
هيچ كاري نمي‌شود كرد

شهاب مقربین

If there were a door between us
I would knock it on
I would `knock it down

If there were a wall between us
I would climb it up, climb it down ...
I would crumble

If there were a mountain, a sea
I would step on the world map
And draw another one

But there is nothing between us

And only with nothing
Nothing could be done.

By: Shahab Mogharabin
Translated by :Leilaye Leili

1 comment:

sina said...

And only with nothing
Nothing could be done.