بگذريم. برداشتهاي زيادي هست در آنچه که در اين روز رفت ... شايد به اندازه ي جمعيت يک کشور ... يک همه انديشه. يک همه احساس. يک همه تفاوت.
نمي دانم بايد اين چندين گونگي را دوست گرفت يا نه. ( راستش اصلاٌ نمي دانم همين "بايد" کي و کجا به جمله هاي ذهن من اضافه شده است.) من اما دوستش مي گيرم و پرهيز مي کنم از همرنگي و همگونگي ... شايد براي اينکه به اقليت تعلق دارم. اقليت در انديشه ... اقليت در احساس. يک اقليت يک نفره.
باور کردن به گوناگوني - Diversity - حاصل راهي است که آمده ام. باور کردن به حق هر يک اقليت نحيفِ ساده دلِ تنها در جهان حقانيت اکثريت ... بگذريم.
دارم به Final Cut پينک فلويد گوش مي کنم ... اين شعر را دوست دارم ... امروز خصوصا.
they can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles
and amuse themselves playing games for a while
boom boom, bang bang
lie down you're dead
The Fletcher Memorial Home
CD: The Final Cut
:: Pink Floyd ::
take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
and build them a home a little place of their own
the Fletcher memorial home for incurable tyrants and kings
and they can appear to themselves every day
.on closed circuit t.v
to make sure they're still real
it's the only connection they feel
Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Reagan and Haig"
Mr. Begin and friend Mrs. Thatcher and Paisley
Mr. Brezhnev and party
the ghost of Mccarthy
the memories of Nixon
and now adding colour a group of anonymous latin
"American meat packing Glitterati
did they expect us to treat them with any respect
they can polish their medals and sharpen their smiles
and amuse themselves playing games for a while
Boom Boom, Bang Bang
lie down you're dead
safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
with their favourite toys
they'll be good girls and boys
in the Fletcher memorial home for colonial
wasters of life and limb
?Is everyone in
?Are you having a nice time
now the final solution can be applied
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